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Baby For The Mountain Man: A Secret Baby Mountain Man Romance Page 22

  Ruth’s face scrunched up, her eyes filled with worry. “But why didn’t you talk about this with me? I would have helped you.”

  “Because I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn’t even consider the possibility that I was making a wrong choice. But now I finally understand that I’ve completely forgotten why I started medicine in the first place. I understand that being a businessman won’t make me happy.”

  I cast a glance at Chloe, expecting to see the approval on her face, bur for some reason it was expressionless.

  “So what does this mean?” my father asked me.

  “This means that I’m changing my plans. I’m not buying that hospital. I want to get back into research and less into business meetings and dealings with the board, which means I will stop being in charge of the hospital. I’m done with letting my work dictate my life.” I smiled at Mom.

  “You were right. I did lose my vision and I was wasting my skills and time. I wanted to work with patients again and help many more with research. I’ve always loved medicine, and I want to do that and be happy again. Get back in the game.”

  Mom grinned like a Cheshire cat, all ecstatic. “Oh Bryce! I’m so happy! That makes me so happy!”

  She stood up and came to hug me. Her arms wrapped tightly around me. “I’m happy that you found your way, darling. You were the happiest when you were dealing with medicine, so knowing you’re going back to it, makes me so relieved. That is the right decision, and I believe you will be able to get back on track.” She straightened herself up, ruffling my hair like I was a little kid. “I’ll toast to that!”

  I erupted into chuckles, watching her skim around the table and pick her glass up too animatedly. Dad didn’t look as serious as he was a few minutes ago, and even though he didn’t say a word, I knew he had forgiven me. Slowly, his lips curled up, forming a full smile, which was a weight off my shoulders.

  We clinked our glasses, marking a start of a better future, when I looked at Chloe. A frown immediately replaced my smile when I noticed that she looked a little sad, avoiding my gaze.

  She hadn’t said a word at all, never smiling, and I had no clue what was going on with her. Mom started chatting with her about the latest celebrity gossip, but Chloe gave her clipped answers, looking more down with each minute.

  After birthday cake, Mom and Dad stood up and began dancing to some jazz song, oblivious to the change in Chloe’s mood. I decided to pull her aside and ask her what was wrong.

  “I want to talk with you,” I told her.

  She nodded and followed me into the kitchen, her eyes downcast.

  “Okay, so you don’t seem like yourself, and you’re starting to worry me. What’s wrong?”

  She twisted her hands in front of her, finally looking up to meet my gaze. “I know I’m acting selfishly, especially because this is something that will make you happy but... I don’t want you to stop being the president. I don’t want you to quit.”

  Say what?



  I knew I was maybe acting selfishly, but I couldn’t help it. I was happy for Bryce, especially since I noticed how much the emotional moment at the table meant to his parents, but it was clouded with my own worry.

  Bryce was finally able to improve his relationship with his parents, and I hoped they would manage to resolve all their issues sooner rather than later, but did Bryce really need to quit his position?

  If he stopped being in charge of the hospital, that would mean I would lose my job. I couldn’t lose this job. Working with Bryce was a huge step forward in my career, so if I lost my job I would go back to square one. I would have to go to countless interviews and hope to find something as nearly as good as the job I had now.

  On top of that, I would have no reason to see Bryce anymore. I couldn’t delude myself for even a moment that he felt the same I felt. Yes, I attracted him, but what if that was all I was to him? What if his interest in me didn’t go beyond physical attraction? I was a damn good assistant, but he wouldn’t need me if he returned to medicine, so there was no reason for him to keep me by his side anymore.

  I felt too gloomy to pretend in front of Ruth and Roger that everything was okay, so I forced the conversation with Ruth, barely aware of the things she was telling me.

  “I want to talk with you,” Bryce told me as his parents danced together to the soothing sounds of the jazz song. I just wished their happy vibes could pass on to me, so I wouldn’t have to feel so grim about this whole situation with Bryce.

  I nodded to him and followed him into the kitchen, unable to look him in the eyes.

  “Okay, so you don’t seem like yourself, and you’re starting to worry me. What’s wrong?”

  I’d known this was coming, but that didn’t make me any readier for this. I twisted my hands together, meeting his eyes. “I know I’m acting selfishly, especially because this is something that will make you happy but... I don’t want you to stop being the president. I don’t want you to quit.”

  His face was a picture of pure surprise, which only made me feel worse. “What?” he asked.

  “Please don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you were able to figure out what you really want, and I want you to be happy, but there is a part of me that is against your sudden decision. Is stepping down really necessary?”

  “Why, Chloe?” he dodged my question with his own. “Why are you against my decision?”

  I glanced away, looking around the neat, modern kitchen as I tried to come up with the right words.

  “Because I’m worried I’ll be out of my job if you give up your responsibilities at the hospital. This job means a lot to me, and I don’t want to lose it.”

  He closed the distance between us and took me by hands. “I assure you that you won’t lose your job. You just won’t necessarily work for me anymore.”

  He sounded so sure, but it didn’t manage to convince me. “How can you know that?”

  “I’ll make sure that you remain on your position after I withdraw from my position. You’re a good employee with a great resume to match, so they will see the same qualities I see in you.”

  But what if he hired me mostly because he was attracted to me? I had always had a tiny thread of doubt in me, which told me that there was a big chance he wouldn’t hire me if he hadn’t liked me physically. What if the attraction played a big part in his decision to hire me? This would mean I didn’t actually have a particularly high value, and a new president would be able to sniff it out immediately.

  “Don’t worry, Chloe. Believe me.” He raised my hand and placed a kiss on my palm, which sent a shiver down my spine. “I need this change in my life. I need to go back to what can really make me happy, and it would mean a lot to me if you could support my decision because I care about your opinion a lot.”

  He looked at me with expectation, waiting for me to agree with him. I was still worried, but I didn’t want to rain on his parade. After all, there was nothing I could do if he’d already made up his mind.

  “I understand. I’ll support your decision.”

  A bright smile decorated his face a moment before he pulled me in for a kiss. My lips parted instantly, my hands reaching out to him as our tongues met. I poured all my feelings into this kiss, knowing this could very well be one of our last moments together. Warmth spread through every single part of me, contrasting the increasing cold in my chest that reminded me I could very well end up without a job. And Bryce.

  I wanted him to be happy. I truly did. But was there a place for me in his new life?

  He pushed me against the counter and pressed his already hard dick against my mound, and I moaned into his mouth.

  “I want you,” he muttered into my lips before he kissed me again, this time moving more urgently.

  Just as I pulled him against me, completely forgetting where we were, someone cleared their throat.

  Just great. The humiliation of the year.

  I was beet red when I stepped away from Bryce
and met Ruth’s gaze, her brows arched high in surprise. She was the first to break the silence.

  “It’s time for presents, kids.” She winked at us and left the kitchen, acting like she was completely cool with us kissing like this.

  Bryce rolled his eyes. “You look… uncomfortable.”

  I smacked his shoulder playfully. “Yeah? Well, having your mother catch us in the middle of a heated kiss isn’t something usual, you know?”

  His only response was laugh as he led me out of the kitchen. I told myself to relax and try to enjoy this time with his parents to the fullest. Maybe—just maybe—things could turn out right after all.



  I had no idea why Chloe had been standoffish since yesterday. I thought we’d had a great time with my parents—she even managed to relax and act as her usual self after our conversation in the kitchen—but I was apparently wrong.

  After we returned to our hotel last night, I wanted to make love to her, ready to ask her to be my girlfriend, for real this time, but she refused me, saying she didn’t feel well. She went to sleep early, barely exchanging a few words with me.

  Her excuse not to sleep with me didn’t sound plausible, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt, expecting her to go back to her old self next morning. However, she proved me wrong when we got up and started packing, being all distant and unresponsive.

  We were flying home, and all this time she was quiet and in her own head. I wanted to start a conversation with her, but I didn’t know how. She was nervous because of her fear of flying, and it bothered me that she didn’t even allow me to help her and reduce her anxiety.

  Clearing my throat, I turned my head to look at her. “Chloe?”

  She was gazing through the window, not moving an inch. “Yes?”

  I clenched my jaw, wishing she would at least look at me. “I’m worried about you. Talk to me.”

  She didn’t respond immediately, glancing at the book that was in her lap. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”

  “How do I not worry about you when we barely spoke today? You’ve been acting weird since yesterday, so don’t tell me you’re fine. You aren’t fine.”

  She still wasn’t looking at me, and it was starting to piss me off. “Is this because of my decision? You’re afraid you’re going to lose your job?”

  She met my gaze at last, maintaining her blank expression. “We already talked about this yesterday, Bryce. I told you I’m supporting your decision, so what more do you want?”

  I winced, taken about with her bitterness. Something was definitely off. “What more do I want? I want you to stop acting like a sulking teenager and talk with me. We’re adults, Chloe. So we should talk about this.”

  She crossed her arms. “There is nothing we should talk about.”

  “Do you even hear yourself? Are you really leaving me with no explanation? You’ve been distant since yesterday, so don’t tell me everything is fine. If you’re angry with me, say it.”

  “I’m not angry with you.” Her flat voice made me even madder, and I fisted my hands on my lap.

  This was leading us nowhere. I was getting angrier, while she was becoming more reserved.

  “Fine,” I said and looked away. “If you say so.”

  We spend the rest of our flight in uncomfortable silence, which did nothing to tone down my anger and anxiety. Why did she have to be so difficult?

  I went to the board the first thing next morning, ready to notify them about my decision to quit. Just like yesterday, Chloe gave me the cold shoulder, sticking to business and refusing to talk about things irrelevant to her work, claiming she was too busy.

  My anger had diminished, leaving fear in its wake. I didn’t want to lose her. Now that I knew how much she meant to me, I couldn’t let her grow more distanced from me or even worse—to completely lose her. None of this would happen if I talked with her first and told her I wanted to be with her, but now it was too late to cry over spilled milk.

  If my guess was right, she was distant because she was afraid to lose her job, so I had to make sure she stayed on her position. I wasn’t going to let her lose her job.

  On my way to the conference room, I found her next to a photocopier in the hallway. My eyes instantly went down her slim back and lush ass, which were hugged tightly by her sexy gray suit. She was wearing sexy high heels, and once again, I wished to have her only in those.

  Inhaling the sweet fragrance of her perfume, I stopped right behind her and leaned into her ear.

  “I’m going now to the board to notify them about my decision,” I whispered, and she winced, startled by me. I placed my hands on her shoulders, reminding myself that we were in the hallway where anyone could pass and see us, and forced myself to maintain control over my urge to take her right here.

  “I’ll also make sure they keep you on your position, so you don’t have to worry about losing your job.”

  I planted a brief kiss on her earlobe and pulled away from her before she could even answer me. Spinning around, I headed to the conference room.

  “Good morning, everyone,” I greeted the members of the board, who were already seated, waiting for me.

  “Good morning,” they replied in unison.

  The secretary offered me coffee, which I accepted eagerly, needing a big dosage to keep me energized. I leaned into my chair and glanced at all ten members that were present today.

  “Let’s get down to the business. All of you have been with me since the beginning, so you’ve witnessed this hospital’s exponential growth from its humble beginnings.”

  “It’s all thanks to you,” Mr. Rowe, my CFO, said. “Your business skills showed us time after time that you’re capable of achieving anything you want.”

  “That is true, but all of that would be impossible without your help.” I motioned at them. “You’ve put a lot of faith in me, but you also gave me freedom to make decisions and proceed however I wanted. So I want to thank you all once again for everything you’ve done and enabled me to do so far.”

  “Why does this sound like goodbye?” Mrs. Lewis, one of the shareholders, asked.

  “Because it is goodbye.” My answer was met with shocked gasps and frowns, all of my members equally surprised. “I’ll be completely honest with you. For years my business has been everything to me. I planned to expand it, hoping to make an empire that would bring us billions one day. I hoped to create a hospital network, which would expand across several states and serve millions of people.”

  “And we gave you our full support,” another shareholder said.

  “Exactly. So, that had been my mission and top priority. But the thing is—I didn’t always want to be in the business. That is not why I started studying medicine. My dreams and goals were completely different back then, and I’m afraid I’ve forgotten them completely in my pursuit for money.”

  Mrs. Lewis leaned toward me, intertwining her hands on the table. “What are you saying, Bryce?”

  “I’m saying that I’ve completely disregarded my original dream. I’ve forgotten that my first and biggest dream was to save lives. But thanks to a special someone”—I broke out into a huge smile, thinking about Chloe and her words—“I managed to remember what truly matters to me. I want to see more patients. I want to get back to research, which will allow me to help more people. I want to dedicate myself to what truly matters to me.”

  No one said a word as they waited for me to continue, still bewildered.

  “So I decided that I won’t be in charge of the hospital anymore. As of today, I’m stepping down as a president.”

  Mr. Hernandez, my COO, was the first to break the silence that stretched on after my revelation. “Are you absolutely sure about this, Bryce? You are aware that this can change a lot of things, right? If we assign someone else to take your place, we will have to postpone the new hospital project.”

  “I’m perfectly aware of this, and I’m fine with it. After all, the future of my business
now lies in your hands.”

  “Let me make this clear,” one of the shareholders said. “You are okay with any outcome?”

  “As long as I can dedicate my time to my patients, yes. You have absolute freedom to do whatever you want.”

  I leaned my elbows against the table and looked at each of them. “Look, this doesn’t come as an easy decision, but it is definitely the right one. And I believe you will be able to find the suitable person to replace me.”

  “Well, if that is what you really want, then I will support you,” Mr. Rowe said. “I believe in your judgment, and if going back to medicine is what you really want, then all I can do is wish you all the best with your future endeavors.”

  “Thank you, Steve.”

  “I also agree,” Martha added. “You’re a valuable part of this hospital and rather irreplaceable, in my opinion, but I’ll respect your decision.”

  I nodded to her. “Thank you, Martha. I appreciate that a lot.”

  One after another, all members agreed, making my decision a lot easier. A rush of joy spread through my chest and relief flooded my system. Now that this was over with, I felt completely free—like I had finally found myself—and I wanted to celebrate.

  Immediately thinking of Chloe, I decided to invite her to dinner in the name of this.

  “How about your brand-new assistant, Chloe Lewis?” Mr. Hernandez asked. “What should we do with her?”

  “She has to stay. You have to keep her on for the transition and the next president, and that is my only demand,” I informed them. “Chloe is a valuable worker, and she showed one hundred percent devotion to her work. She is extremely knowledgeable, responsible, and ambitious, so I’m sure that whoever becomes a president can completely rely on her.”

  “Well, if you insist and guarantee that she is a good worker, then I don’t see why we shouldn’t let her remain on her position,” Mr. Rowe remarked. “I agree.”