Quadruplets Make Six: A Fake Relationship Secret Baby Romance Page 2
“I’m familiar with it, yes.”
“So… how does this work? Do I just… tell you I’ll see you there?” I asked.
“That’s fine by me. I look forward to seeing you then. Five o’clock at the Stan Mansion on Saturday.”
“Correct,” I said.
“I look forward to meeting you, Libby.”
A smile crossed my face as the green dot by his name disappeared. Messages were still popping up on my screen, asking me for insane things like my number and a picture of my boobs. Men were disgusting and relentless, and it was one of the many reasons why I didn’t date.
But this guy seemed different.
I just hoped he could keep himself together for a night before trying to get me in bed.
“Graham! Why don’t you try another color? You’re always wearing black,” Jake said.
“There’s no other suit color to wear to a wedding as a groomsman unless you wish to look tacky,” I said. “Plus, these are the suits Logan picked out for us to wear.”
“Oh, come on. We could really do a number on him. Show up in some bright pink suits with daisy-colored bowties.”
“What color is ‘daisy-colored’ exactly?” I asked.
“You know, white and yellow.”
“Then why didn’t you simply say ‘white and yellow’?”
“Because I’m difficult.”
“Which is why you’re still single,” I said.
“No, I’m still single because I’m not a big, badass billionaire like you are. Which is why you have no excuse for still being single.”
“Besides my crazy-ass ex,” I said.
“We all have that crazy-ass ex. That doesn’t mean you stop messing around with women. I think you don’t have enough excitement in your life.”
“Your complaint is duly noted.”
I held out my hands as the tailor continued to measure the suit to my body. I was happy for our friend Logan. He had been looking all his life for the perfect woman for him. And even though he was getting married for the first time at forty-two years of age, I could tell he was happy. In love. Envisioning a future with his very beautiful bride at his side. Marianne was the only woman I’d ever seen him date that seemed interested in more than his money, so that was enough for me.
Because it was more than I could say for my ex.
“How’s that suit comin’ along?” Jake asked.
“A suit fitting doesn’t take this much conversation,” I said.
“Oh, come on. Quit being a stick in the mud. Did you roll off a cliff this morning after you got out of bed?”
“What’s that even supposed to mean?”
“It means you got up on the wrong side of the bed then went cliff-diving towards your death. You're in a mood. Cheer up! Our friend’s getting married.”
“You know how I feel about the ‘sanctity of marriage’.”
“Yeah, which is why I think it’s funny that Logan actually asked you to be a groomsman,” he said.
“I’m happy for him. Really.”
“Because she doesn’t want him for his money.”
“Doesn’t seem that way, no,” I said.
“You’re not happy for him because he’s in love.”
“You know how I feel about love, too.”
“Dude, you really let that woman get under your skin,” he said.
“I made a life with her. So yes, you could say she got under my skin,” I said.
“Just because your engagement tanked-”
“My engagement didn’t tank. She blew a damn hole in the ship, Jake. She intentionally sunk what we had. That’s it,” I said.
“So now you don’t believe in love or marriage or soulmates or anything of that shit?”
“Because it’s exactly how you described it. Shit,” I said.
“You really gotta let go of all that,” he said.
“So long as I have to deal with her, I’ll never really be able to.”
“I told you not to get into all that shit so early into the relationship.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you keep reminding me. But that ‘shit’ as you so wonderfully put it are the best things that have ever happened to me when I was dealing with her. I just hate it all had to come from that woman.”
“Whoa, dude. The hell happened with her? She called you, didn’t she?”
“This morning, yes,” I said with a sigh.
“What happened?”
“She called wanting to create a mess like she always does and I shot her down. She got upset and threatened to come to the house, so I had to put my security team on high alert before I left to come here.”
“But everything’s okay, right?” he asked.
“And they’re all on high alert until you get back so she doesn’t do anything stupid?”
“They are,” I said.
“Then don’t sweat it. Try to relax. If she’s still got all those issues, she probably isn’t coherent enough to get to you anyway,” he said.
“Can we change the topic now?”
“Well, you don’t like marriage, so we can’t talk about Logan’s wedding. You aren’t dating, so we can’t talk about who you’re banging. I’m not dating, so we can’t talk about who I’m banging. What’s there to talk about if we can’t talk about banging?”
I chuckled and shook my head as I put my hands back down. Jake was still having his measurements taken as a glass of bourbon was handed to me. I was happy for Logan, I really was. And I didn’t want anyone to get me wrong on that front. But I would be keeping a close eye on that woman he was marrying. Logan was a good guy, but sometimes that good guy persona could cloud his vision. The moment she started taking advantage of him, I was going to try and intervene.
If anything, to save him from all I had to endure.
“Wanna go get some cigars after this?” Jake asked.
“Only if there’s alcohol involved,” I said.
“Logan just texted me. Says tonight won’t work for the bachelor party because Marianne isn’t feeling well.”
“Then tell him to join us for drinks and cigars. I’ll buy us all a nice lunch, sneak in a stripper somewhere, then he can get back to taking care of Marianne.”
“I’ll let him know,” he said.
I threw back the rest of my drink before I checked my phone, everything was good at the house, for now.
I confirmed things with the guy from the application twice before I realized how badly this was going to go. He hadn’t logged back on since Thursday evening, which meant he wasn’t going to see any of my questions. I didn’t know anything about him. His name was Tony and that’s all I knew. What he looked like. His profile picture was a picture of a beautiful sunset, but the other pictures on his profile were of his home. At least, I thought it was. There were beautiful photographs of sunlit rooms and real wood furniture that sparkled in the noontime sun. There was a picture of a swimming pool that overlooked a beautiful estate and a hot tub bubbling off to the side. There was a picture of a fully-loaded bathroom with a steam sauna and everything. A walk-in stone shower that could easily fit five people lying down and a picture of a four-poster bed with sheer fabric hanging down on all sides.
It was like a fairytale, scrolling through those pictures. But it didn’t give me any indication of what he looked like.
It wasn’t that any of that mattered. I just didn’t know who I was looking for. I was hoping he’d log on before the wedding and see my questions so I was better prepared, but the response never came. I was getting worried. Was he having second thoughts? Was he actually going to show? I was a nervous wreck getting ready for my cousin’s wedding, and I was even more nervous when I arrived.
My mother came and gave me a massive hug before my father did the same.
“You look wonderful in that dress, princess,” he said.
�Thanks, Daddy,” I said.
“So, where’s this wonderful date of yours?” my mother asked.
“He’ll be here soon,” I said.
“He didn’t bring you?” my father asked.
“He had to work today. Got called in last minute,” I said.
“So… what’s his name? Is he handsome? What does he do for work?” she asked.
“Why don’t you ask him all those questions when he gets here?” I asked.
I smoothed my hands down my pale pink dress as I stood at the entrance of the Stan Mansion. This place was massive and breathtakingly beautiful. I had no idea how much something like this would cost for a wedding and a reception. Logan was well off, but this much? I had no idea.
The woman Logan was marrying was a control freak. Perfect makeup, perfect hair, and perfectly matching outfits. She was constantly criticizing what my cousin was wearing and was out here still bossing people around. It was fifteen minutes until she was supposed to walk down the aisle, and she was making everyone close their eyes so she could traipse around in her wedding dress and rearrange flowers at the last minute.
It was insane, and the closer the clock crept to five the more my stomach began to sink.
“Should we go save you and your date some seats?” my mother asked.
“Yeah, that would be nice,” I said.
“You said he was coming with you to the wedding, right?” my father asked.
“He did,” I said.
“Are you sure he isn’t already here and he just came in the wrong entrance? Aunt Myrtle and her boyfriend did that,” she said.
“Aunt Myrtle has a boyfriend?” I asked.
“Oh yes. They’ve been dating for a couple of months now,” she said.
“Bless that man,” my father said breathlessly.
“I gotta agree with Dad on this one,” I said. “Aunt Myrtle’s a piece of work some days.”
“Some days? She’s a piece of work every second of her life,” my father said.
“You just don’t like her because she caught you-”
“Whatever bad memory this brings up, can the two of you cut it out? We’re at a wedding, for heaven’s sake. You guys got divorced, so give it up,” I said.
I felt bad for snapping at my parents, but my palms were beginning to sweat. A breeze kicked up through the door, ruffling my pink dress and blowing my black hair around. The more the minutes ticked by, the more I was convinced I’d been stood up. I pulled my phone from the pocket of my dress and checked the application one last time, but nothing had changed.
He hadn’t even logged back in. Tony was going to be a no show. Shit.
My parents were hovering over me, their eyes studying me closely. It was five minutes before this wedding was supposed to start, and I was two minutes away from telling them the truth. Telling them I’d found a date on an app on my phone so they would get off my back. I couldn't tell them he was suddenly not coming because then they’d want to see the text message. Or listen to the fake phone call I’d have to take. Or anything to try and figure out what the hell was going on.
What was going on?
Why in the world did I convince myself I could pull this off?
“Libby? Is everything okay?” my father asked.
“Look, this happens to me more than you think it does,” I said loud enough for people around us to hear. “It’s why I don’t date. I find a guy who agrees to go out, he seems all charming, then he… doesn’t show up.”
I was feeling defeated and now people were staring. Great.
“But I thought the two of you were dating already?” my mother asked quietly.
“Yes. I mean, kind of,” I said.
“What do you mean by ‘kind of’?” my father asked.
“She means we’ve only met each other a few casual times before.”
There was a low voice rumbling behind me before an arm slipped around my waist. The hand that cupped my side was strong, with an air of confidence. I looked up at the man standing beside me and couldn’t believe my eyes.
He was the most attractive man I’d ever seen.
“You must be the parents,” he said. “I’m Graham Alexander.”
Graham? Not Tony?
Not the bookwork from the app. This guy was a total stranger.
Not that Tony wasn’t either, honestly.
The man shook my parent’s hands and I could tell they were both impressed. But who was I kidding? I was impressed as well. The man standing at my side was tall and strong. I could tell by his grip on my waist that he had a strength underneath his very polished black suit. He had these fierce blue eyes that were ready to put a wall between my parents and myself. He had a thick head of dark brown hair with honey brown highlights that made his skin sparkle.
I had a hard time ripping my eyes away from him.
“Yes. Mom, Dad. This is Graham. The guy I was telling you about,” I said. The web of lies continued.
“I hope you’ll excuse my tardiness. The groom needed my attention,” Graham said.
“Why does your name sound so familiar?” my mother asked.
“I thought you said he had to work late?” Dad pressed.
Everyone was confused, including me. He was in the wedding? And where the hell was Tony? And what would I do if he showed up?
“I’m sure he’d love to stand around and talk, but it’s two minutes before Logan gets married,” I said.
“Well, I can’t wait to talk more with this very handsome man standing at your side, sweetie.”
“Down, girl,” my father said with a grin. “Graham, pleasure to meet you. I can admire a man who’s dedicated to his work and still on time. We’ll just take Libby to sit so you can join the men up front.”
“I’ll meet you there in a minute, Dad.”
My parents shook Graham’s hand one last time before they turned and walked away. And of course, the wedding was late because Logan’s fiancé was throwing some sort of tantrum upstairs. A bunch of the bridesmaids went rushing up there, trying to figure out why in the world she was screaming for them.
I felt so bad for Logan and what he was about to get himself into.
“So… did I just save you from something…” Graham said.
“Embarrassing? Like getting stood up at a wedding? Yes, yes you did. Thank you!”
“Not a problem. I hope I was able to fill some of those holes without your parents raising too many eyebrows. You’re Libby I suppose?”
“Yes, nice to meet you Graham. Friend of Logan’s?”
“Yeah we went to college together. Marianne isn’t super terrible by the way. Though she’s putting on a quite a show today.”
“She definitely seems to be trying something.”
“You look splendid this evening, by the way.”
I felt myself blush at his words.
“You look great in that suit. It looks like it was made for you.”
“It was,” he said with a grin. “Comes with the territory of the work I do.”
“Which you might have to tell me about,” I said.
“One step at a time,” he said with a wink.
My heart slammed against my chest. He was smooth. Very smooth. Not at all the kind of man I expected him to be with tonight, because he most certainly wasn’t the kind of man I attracted on a regular basis. He had muscles pushing against his suit and the warmth of his body was pounding against my skin. He still had his arm wrapped around me, holding me close as he grinned down into my face. My gosh, this man was breathtaking. I simply couldn’t take my eyes off him.
“I’m happy to be your date for the evening, Miss Libby.”
“And I’m happy you’re my date for the evening, Mr. Graham. But I think I really should go take a seat,” I said.
“In the back, next to the corner? Or do you want to sit on the aisle?” he asked.
“In the corner’s fine. I’m more comfortable that way.”
“Might I ask why?�
His hand slipped from around my waist before he wrapped his fingers around mine. Our hands interlocked and I could feel my heart beat thundering in my chest. His hands were large, encompassing the whole of mine as I stared down at the connection.
I prayed to whatever God could hear me that my hands didn’t start to sweat.
“Just… don’t like being the center of attention is all,” I said.
“Then let’s go find you the best corner to sit in,” Graham said.
He led me into the room before we scooted along the wall. The very back row had the corner seats open, and he ushered me into the aisle before the two of us sat down. Logan eyed me and smiled, then shot me a small wave. He looked nervous, but he looked happy. And even though I thought his bride-to-be was a pain in everyone’s butt, I couldn’t deny that he looked incredibly excited to marry her.
I waved back before he nodded his head. He was motioning to the man beside me and I shook my head. Logan gave me a thumbs up as Graham slipped past me and walked up beside Logan l. How was he going to explain this to him? Hopefully he would be too busy focused on his own special day that he would ignore the way Graham had led me to my seat. His strong arm wrapped around my waist.
Oh, this man kept up with his body.
I could feel a very uncomfortable flush rise up my neck.
The room stood as the bride began to march down the aisle. For all her antics and how high-strung of a human being she was, she looked incredible. She was all smiles as her eyes locked onto Logan, and I looked over to see my cousin tearing up.
Logan was crying at the sight of his fiancé in her wedding dress.
I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my cheeks. I hoped to have that one day. I hoped to walk down the aisle in a beautiful dress to a man who couldn’t contain his emotions once he saw me. I hoped one day to stand with our hands clasped together and not be able to get through my vows because I’d be crying from happiness. The entire ceremony was wonderful and I was so glad I attended. It warmed my heart to see my cousin so happy, and it gave me hope that him and this insane woman would somehow make things work.
When the two processed back down the aisle I stood and clapped. I threw my hands over my head and whooped for the two of them as I caught my cousin’s eyes again. He picked up his newly-wedded wife and carried her the rest of the way down the aisle, their lips locked as a silent tear fell down my cheeks.