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Baby For The Mountain Man: A Secret Baby Mountain Man Romance Read online

Page 16

  “I’ll prepare your favorite dishes,” she continued, “You’ll see.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I can’t wait. Now I have to go, okay? I’m in the middle of the meeting, and they are waiting for me.”

  “Sure. Just make sure not to overdo it, alright?”

  Ruth Evander was something else. She was one of the most cheerful people you could ever meet, her round, chubby face always smiling and warm, so you had to love her, but at the same time she could be such a pain in the neck.

  “I’m thirty-four years old, Mom. You don’t have to tell me those things anymore.”

  “I’ll always tell you those things because you’re my son and I’ll always worry about you.”

  Right. I was talking to the wall here. “Sure. Okay, now I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Bye, Bryce. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Mom.”

  I returned to the conference room and mumbled my apology as I took my seat, deciding to put my new idea into motion right now.

  “Say, is there anything of interest near Denver?”

  Tommy and George glanced at each other, their eyebrows furrowed in concentration. “Hm, not that I know of,” Tommy replied. “Have you heard about anything, George?”

  George took off his glasses, shaking his head. “No. Nothing recently. Why?”

  “That’s my hometown, so I thought to search for something in or around it.”

  “Actually, there is,” Daniel piped up, standing and pulling a packet from the stack of papers. “A local hospital is going up for sale an hour from there. It’s in your price range, and it’s a decent location. Not as good as some of the others but…”

  “Great. Then I’ll go and see it.”

  We concluded our meeting a couple of minutes later, which left me enough time to go back to my office and prepare for the interview for my new personal assistant.

  My last one quit randomly, leaving me with a pile of work I wasn’t able to deal with on my own. She had chosen the worst time to leave, and I barely had time these days to set up the interviews and find someone to replace her.

  I was hoping to meet the appropriate candidate today because anything else would result in skipping another event with my family, and I was sure my mother wouldn’t forgive that a second time.

  The knocks on my door pulled me out of my thoughts, right before my secretary brought the first guy in.

  “Good afternoon, sir,” he said.

  My eyes skimmed over his dull attire, wondering how on earth he thought his dark green tweed suit was even remotely good-looking. It screamed “incompetent” to me.

  “Good afternoon, Mr.?”

  “Thompson. I’m Jacob Thompson.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Thompson. I’m Dr. Bryce Evander.” We shook hands. I didn’t fail to notice how feeble his grip was.

  “Please, take a seat.” I motioned at the chair across from me.

  He sat down and put his briefcase next to him on the floor.

  It didn’t take long for me to realize that our interview was a waste of time. His answers were short, vague, and so dull that I almost yawned a few times. He had majored in a field that had nothing to do with business administration, and he didn’t seem eager at all.

  “Why did you apply for this position?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, which ticked me off, but my face remained blank. What the hell was that reaction for?

  “You don’t know?” I tried extracting anything from him.

  He shrugged his shoulders again before he looked around my office, as in the search of an answer. I was seconds away from losing my patience with him.

  “Well, I wanted to try something new. I love challenges.”

  “So you’re saying you applied for this position because you want to challenge yourself with something new?”


  “And you don’t have any previous experience in this field?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I’m a quick learner.”

  “Since you’re always looking for new challenges, what would happen if you got a good opportunity to change your job?”

  He opened his mouth to answer, but then he clamped it shut, realizing he had walked into his own trap. I decided to end this early.

  “You see, Mr. Thompson, I need a dedicated person in my team. I need someone I can delegate important tasks to. Someone I can rely on. You don’t quite fit that profile. So, I don’t want to take up any more of your time. Thank you for applying. Have a nice day.”

  I’d almost expected him to shrug his shoulders in response. “Okay. I-I understand. Thank you,” he replied and dragged himself out of my office.

  I ran my hand through my hair. I should tone down my frustration. The next candidate had to be better than this one. I glanced at their profile and read the name on the top—Chloe Lewis. There was no picture, but from what I could see, she could fit the profile of the assistant I was looking for. She’d majored in business management, and she had high aspirations. From what I could see she seemed way more enthusiastic than Mr. Shrugging Shoulders.

  The second my secretary ushered her in, I’ve completely forgotten about the previous guy—or anything else for that matter—only able to think of how hot she was. Holly hell.

  My eyes traveled down her body in a sexy black suit, relishing in the view. She was shorter and petite, but she had all the right curves. Her breasts were lush, spilling out of the top of her shirt, and my dick responded immediately. Her blonde hair fell down her back in waves, and I could only imagine how good it would feel to thread my fingers through those silky strands. I grew harder when I noticed her killer legs in pumps. Shifting on my chair, I tried to adjust myself without her noticing it.

  “Good afternoon,” she said in a melodious voice.

  “Good afternoon. Miss Lewis, right?” I pointed at her profile on my desk.

  She offered me a polite smile. “That’s right. I’m Chloe Lewis. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Miss Lewis. I’m Dr. Bryce Evander.”

  I accepted her handshake, wrapping my fingers firmly around her delicate hand, hoping my hard on wasn’t visible to her. She returned my gaze, and my pulse accelerated. Her dark brown eyes were unusually captivating.

  Before I could move, her gaze lowered, checking me out not so subtly. Blood hummed in my veins when I spotted a flash of desire in her eyes, which told me she wasn’t immune to me either. That was good to know.

  As if she had realized only now that she was gawking at me, she stepped away and glanced at her feet, a faint blush covering her cheeks.

  “Take a seat, Miss Lewis.”

  “Thank you.”

  I waited for her to sit down before I did the same. “Thank you for applying. Can you tell me something about yourself?”

  “Yes. Well, I have a degree in business management. It’s what I’m passionate and the most knowledgeable about. I have a couple of years of experience in this field, but I decided to quit my previous job since there was no opportunity for me to grow there.”

  “Do you consider yourself ambitious?”

  “Absolutely. I’m really driven, and I want a career for myself. I believe in hard work and the results it brings. Since I am an organized person, I’m able to complete my tasks successfully, always striving to improve.”

  Not even a minute into this interview, and I was already impressed because she’d gotten another string to her bow. She was good looking, she had the right degree, and she was shrewd and ambitious—all of these were the traits I highly appreciated.

  “What motivates you?”

  As soon as she continued talking, I got lost in her smooth, rapt voice. My gaze flickered to her full lips with red lipstick, and my cock responded again. I wanted her. I wanted her right now, and just like that, I formed a fantasy in my head.

  “So, what exactly is your working experience?”

  It was hard to focus on her answer when all I want
ed right now was to remove that suit from her and run my hands all over her body. I wanted to feel her gorgeous breasts and...

  “So that is why I hope to get the opportunity to work for you.”

  Right. I had to focus on the here and now, but it was damn hard. I cleared my throat, clenching my fist on my lap. My hard-on was raging. “Where do you see yourself in five years?” My voice had sounded a bit husky, but I couldn’t be sure if she’d detected the change or not.

  Her beautiful eyes connected with mine, sending a wave of heat through me. I wondered what they would look like when she came. I imagined screwing her over my desk, burying myself deep inside of her as she screamed my name and begged me to fuck her harder.

  I wanted to look at her ass as I pounded into her from behind, moving my hand over her spine on my way to her delicate neck... I would grab her beautiful hair and hold her in place as I showed her what the real pleasure was, all the while toying with her responsive nipples and pussy.

  Fuck. I didn’t remember the last time I was this hard.

  She stopped talking, which pulled me out of my reverie. If she only knew what kind of thoughts were running through my mind right now...

  “And if I decide you’re the one I need, how would you justify the decision to hire you?”

  She was definitely the one I needed; I just wasn’t sure whether I needed her more as my assistant or my lover.

  What was happening to me? I was a playboy, alright, and I’d had a fair share of women in the past. However, I was never the one to mix business and pleasure. In my opinion, these two couldn’t be mixed under any circumstances, but here I was—lusting after the woman I had just met, who was perfect to be my assistant. Not good at all.

  “I’ll always give my one hundred percent and make sure the work is done the way you want it. I’m good at following orders, so you can be sure that I’ll follow all your instructions perfectly.”

  She flashed me a cute smile. I was sold on hiring her, so there was no need for me to contemplate this any longer.

  “Alright, Miss Lewis. You’ve got the job.”

  Her eyes widened, a huge smile breaking out on her face. “Really?”

  “Yes. You’re exactly the kind of person I need as my assistant, so there is no need to further prolong this interview. You can start working tomorrow?”

  “Yes of course. Thank you.” Her face lit up, and she stood up to shake my hand once more. “Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Dr. Evander. I’ll make sure you won’t regret it.”

  I accepted her hand and threw one of my panty dropping smiles at her, watching in pleasure her cheeks turn red. She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, and I almost groaned. Had she done it on purpose? Had she noticed what she was doing to me so now she was playing with me? I glanced at my dick discreetly, but luckily, my pants hid my erection.

  “Please call me Bryce.”

  She licked her lips again, and I just couldn’t look away. Such a tease. She was damn sexy.

  “Alright, Bryce. And you can call me Chloe.”

  “Okay. Chloe it is. Come at eight and be punctual. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about your responsibilities and I’ll give you your work schedule then.”

  “I will, Dr. Eva-I mean, Bryce. Once more, thank you for giving me this chance. I’ll try my hardest to meet your every need.”

  Oh, you’ll definitely meet my every need, I thought, letting my dirty mind take over.

  I smirked at her. “I’m not expecting any less of you.”

  I walked her out of my office, watching her ass as she sashayed in front of me.

  “See you tomorrow,” she told me with a smile on her face.

  “See you, Chloe. Have a nice day.”

  My eyes followed her down the hallway until she went around the corner, and I let a loud groan out, closing the door of my office behind me.

  I just couldn’t wait to see her again.



  Having finished my dinner, I was standing at the bathroom mirror to take off makeup before I took a shower. I poured my makeup remover on the cotton pad and started wiping off my face, beside myself with joy.

  “You nailed the interview, Chloe.”

  The beaming smile on my face greeted me in the mirror, along with the happy glimmer in my eyes. The interview had gone way better than I had imagined it.

  “You deserved it, and from now on, it will only get better.”

  All those preparations had paid off, and I was more than ready to show Bryce Evander he’d hired the right person. I was ready for this.

  I entered the shower and turned on the hot water, immediately relaxing under the current of hot water that caressed my skin. I couldn’t believe I was so lucky to get the job, especially since Bryce’s hospital was one of the largest and the most successful hospitals in the area. Bryce Evander was a renowned doctor, so applying to be his assistant had been the most logical choice. This was a real step in my career.

  After I finished high school, I needed some time until I found myself. I thought about my choices, but none of them seemed fulfilling or inspirational. Starting in real estate offices right out of high school didn’t seem like a long shot at the time, but it didn’t take me a lot to figure out that I wasn’t born to sell properties.

  Then, out of the blue, I finally realized what I wanted. I quit my job and went to college, determined to get a degree in business administration, and I hadn’t regretted it at all. It was a career that suited me, so I dedicated my life to college. It didn’t leave a lot of time for romance, but at the time I didn’t care.

  Now, I had different ideas.

  It wasn’t long until I got a job in the business field, but even though I buckled down to tasks they had given me every single time, working my butt off, they never showed any appreciation or rewarded me. My superior was rude, lewd, and strict, and he’d made sure I knew from the start I wasn’t going to be promoted. The company was small, and they were tightening their belts in the next quarter, so the only thing I could expect at such a place was a termination letter.

  So, I handed them my resignation and began looking for a new position. It probably would have been smarter to get laid off, unemployment and whatever, but I didn’t want that mark on my resume, leaving on my own seemed like a better choice. Luckily, after a couple of weeks, I spotted the right one, and here I was—Bryce Evander’s personal assistant.

  I believed this would propel me in the right direction. This was exactly what could help me become more successful, so I had to get my head in the game and make my career a priority.

  But then why was I unable to stop thinking about Bryce? Why couldn’t I stop reminding myself how sexy he was?

  He looked good on the photos I’d found on the Internet, but they simply didn’t do him justice. In person, he was smokin’ hot, his tall, muscular body filling his gray designer suit perfectly, and I hadn’t been prepared for the instant attraction I felt. I was smitten with him the moment I entered his office, growing hot when his dark green eyes met mine.

  His face was rugged, his mouth full and inviting, so it didn’t take me long to start lusting after him. Luckily, I’d managed to push aside all those wayward thoughts and continue with the interview, but now, at night and in the shower, my pussy throbbed just at the thought of him, and my mind wanted to play games with me.

  I was more than aware of how strong his hand felt during our handshake, unable to shake off the thoughts of that hand cupping my pussy and pleasuring me...

  I shuddered, soaping my pussy much longer and rougher than needed, which only aroused me more. I closed my eyes and imagined his hand soaping me, moving my hand across my taut stomach and breasts, circling my puckered nipples before I tweaked my nipple between my soaped thumb and forefinger.

  “Oh yes...”

  Closing my eyes shut, I leaned against the wall and indulged in my fantasy. I imagined his hands across my chest, squeezing my flesh. I wanted his hot mout
h wrapped around my nipple. I wanted him to lick it and nibble it and show me how good it could be. I wanted him.

  I moaned loudly and opened my eyes, a pang of guilt spreading through my chest. I knew I shouldn’t think about how hot my new boss was or all the dirty things I wanted him to do to me.

  There was no way he would ever want a girl like me. I was rather plain-looking compared to him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he went for models or actresses, arm candy for his big fundraisers and galas. I couldn’t actually expect him to notice me.

  Besides, even if he noticed me, he was forbidden. He was my boss, so anything personal was out of the question. Hoping for something to happen with him was foolish and unreasonable, so I couldn’t let myself make that mistake. My career was at stake here, so I had to be prudent and concentrate on getting my job done. I couldn’t let my hormones make the decisions for me.

  He was just a fantasy, and I should know better than to think any differently.

  But there was no harm in letting that fantasy unfold just once, right? This would be my reward for getting the job. I would touch myself like this only once and get rid of this sexual tension that started the moment I entered his office.

  Approving this logic, I rinsed myself off and let my fingers descend my belly slowly, increasing my anticipation of the impending touch. I closed my eyes when my middle finger connected with my clit, Bryce’s sexy body appearing in front of my eyes.

  I wished I could tear off his clothes and see if he really packed big muscles as I’d assumed. Then I would lick every line and crevice of his body, running my hands across his skin.


  I moaned and moved my fingers faster across my mound, becoming wetter. I slid across my already puffy outer lips, smearing my juices over my heated flesh, and continued rubbing my clit. I felt hot all over, my heart pounding too hard and fast against my chest, as the waves of pleasure coursed through me.

  “I wish you’re here, Bryce. I wish your lips on me... Your fingers... You...”

  I threw my hand back when I probed my entrance with two fingers, picturing naked Bryce in front of me. The thought of him watching me as I fingered myself was almost too much, and I let out a series of breathy moans that grew louder the faster I thrust into me.


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